
This page is designed to give an overview of the publications produced by the SYCLOPS project.

Type Title Authors Year
Conference Towards Migration-Free" Just-in-Case" Data Archival for Future Cloud Data Lakes Using Synthetic DNA Eugenio Marinelli, Yiqing Yan, Virginie Magnone, Charlotte Dumargne, Pascal Barbry, Thomas Heinis, Raja Appuswamy 2023
Journal Scaling logical density of DNA storage with enzymatically-ligated composite motifs Yiqing Yan, Nimesh Pinnamaneni, Sachin Chalapati, Conor Crosbie, Raja Appuswamy 2023
Conference Open, cross-architecture acceleration of data analytics with SYCL and RISC-V Ivan Kabadzhov, Jose Morgado, Aleksander Ilic, Raja Appuswamy 2024 (under submission)
Conference Migrating CUDA to SYCL: A HEP Case Study with ROOT RDataFrame Jolly Chen, Monica Dessole, Ana-Lucia Varbanescu 2024
Conference A Performance Modelling-Driven Approach to Hardware Resource Scaling Alexandre Rodrigues, Leonel Sousa, and Aleksandar Ilic 2024
Journal Distributed transformer for high order epistasis detection in large-scale datasets Miguel Graça, Ricardo Nobre, Leonel Sousa & Aleksandar Ilic 2024
Conference AdaptiveCpp Stdpar: C++ Standard Parallelism Integrated Into A SYCL Compiler Aksel Alpay, Vincent Heueline 2024
Conference SYCL-Bench 2020: Benchmarking SYCL 2020 on AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA GPUs Luigi Crisci, Lorenzo Carpentieri, Peter Thoman, Aksel Alpay, Vincent Heuveline, Biagio Cosenza 2024


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